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The PBG Awards

The PBG Awards consist of 1 trophy, 2 medals and 4 certificates. For the maximum number of cruises in the Electric and the Fuel Class - each winner receives both a certificate and a medal. For the maximum number of cruises in both classes, the winner has their name engraved on the Trophy. The remaining 2 certificates are for "Innovation/Originality" and "The Best Team Selfie!"

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The PBG rulebook

Gear up for victory in the PBG Awards! Dive into the rules and master the evaluation criteria to craft a winning entry. Your journey to the top starts here. Seize the moment!


Track all your cruises

Embark on your quest for PBG Awards glory! Tackle a diverse array of cruises to boost your winning potential. Document every voyage with the competitor's form or log, and gather ample evidence of your adventures. Your path to triumph is charted through every cruise you conquer!


Win an award

Submit your completed forms to our email address*:

Or by post to:
PolyBoatGlobal Challenge 2024/25

15 chemin de Peybotte 

33360 Lignan de Bordeaux 



At the end of the forty-four-week period, we'll take every submission from all over the globe into account, and we'll decide on the PBG Award winners for the inaugural 2024/25 season.

*By registering your interest in this competition you agree to abide by the rules of the PBG Challenge.

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